Friday, June 22, 2018

A way to renovate housing

A way to renovate housing. Dry work and easy installation. Advantages and prices.(κουφωματα αλουμινιου)

For disintegration, for better protection or essentially on the grounds that you need to reestablish the presence of the home, a

possible option is to renovate the openings. Be that as it may, the burden of the work to be made is

continuously present, which is the reason the thought is frequently disposed of.

Today, that situation changed essentially, as the market offers unmistakable and worthwhile alternatives

that stay away from trash and pulverizations as well as adjust flawlessly to the development and existing


From the organization Naos, keep up that "this sort of work permits to fathom the work in a brief span. It

is the substitution of the carpentry through a procedure of dry work, without enduring breakage of

workmanship, clean and blending. For that, it is important to remove the leaves from the openings that you need

to change and keep the frame that is on the edge. On this the new aluminum frame is settled and the window

or then again entryway leaves of the new material are consolidated ".

Distinctive alternatives

In that sense, the conceivable outcomes are many: the sort of materials to be set, the glasses (which can be

hermetic and furthermore with warm extension break) and the kind of opening of the sheets that one wishes to


With respect to the material, aluminum and PVC are the most suggested choices, for their high quality and

toughness. (τζαμια αθηνα)

As per the firm German openings, agent in Córdoba of Tecnocon, PVC is a sheltered decision,

since "a window of this material, with great plan and a great job in the opening and in the arrangement of

the glasses turns out to be basically endless" . PVC is portrayed by being unalterable to the activity of

air specialists, its great warm and acoustic protection, its simple maintenance and extraordinary stun


The aluminum have comparative advantages: they are hermetic, tight and low maintenance, to which must be

included a lower cost. Right now, a 60 percent bring down cost can be evaluated contrasted with the past ones,

contingent upon the model and size.

At last, in what is glass, you can pick the quality you need. Here, the offer is likewise wide: you can

pick DVH  and security.

The substitution of windows reestablishes the outside and inside of the house in a brief span and without the

need to break the workmanship. (τεντοπανα)

The substitution of windows reestablishes the outside and inside of the house in a brief span and without the

need to break the workmanship.

A substitution plan

A few examinations demonstrate that 80 percent of the vitality expected to warm the house is lost through the openings

because of its material , imperfect profiling or decay.

Counseled on these conditions, the Cordovan manufacturing plant Naos set in motion "a program went for the individuals who

have their home officially assembled, yet need to restore it with new aluminum openings." This is the "Renové mi

casa" plan, a venture that has considerable experience with Europe (all the more particularly in Spain), where after the vitality

emergency, parts of development specifically identified with warm protection and openings were directed.

With that commence, from the firm situated in Rio Ceballos contend that the substitution is basic. "The

framework that keeps up the frames of the past one is anything but difficult to introduce. The new openings are introduced in

close to 12 hours. What's more, it should feature its incredible money saving advantage proportion, on account of

vitality reserve funds and the restoration of the presence of the house: they modernize it and, what is most

vital, without brick work, "they finish up.

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